Aesop Rock-Skelethon (2012)

My Rating: 100% (A++)

Pitchfork Rating: 82%

Rolling Stone Rating: N/A

Metacritic Rating: 79%

Average Rating: 87% (A-)

Tracklist (Standout songs underlined):

  1. Leisureforce
  2. ZZZ Top
  3. Cycles to Gehenna
  4. Zero Dark Thirty
  5. Fryerstarter
  6. Ruby ’81
  7. Crows 1
  8. Crows 2
  9. Racing Stripes
  10. 1,000 O’Clock
  11. Homemade Mummy
  12. Grace
  13. Saturn Missiles
  14. Tetra
  15. Gopher Guts
  16. Dokken Rules (feat. Rob Sonic)
  17. BMX (feat. Blueprint & Rob Sonic)

Favourite Song on Album:

Record Label:

Rhymesayers Entertainment

Listen to This Album When You’re:

Having an existential crises.

Thoughts on Album Cover:

It’s rad, most of Aesop’s covers are awesome.

Want to Own on Vinyl?:

Already do, I spin it all the time.

Final Thoughts:

2012’s Skelethon caught me off guard, more than even The Impossible Kid which I think is the better of the two and should be considered a masterpiece (I hope it will get that title over time). What Skelethon did for me is gave me the ability to understand Aesop, I mean as much as one can understand Aesop. This was the album that turned me from casual listener to geeky fan, honestly anyone who knows me knows I love this guys work. Skelethon showcases Aesop’s diversity all while mixing in a couple songs with Kimya Dawson (giving them the idea to form The Uncluded). The best part of Skelethon is how accessibly it is, maybe not as much as The Impossible Kid, but still very easy for casual listeners to get into. Skelethon was the calm before the storm, an amazing album that led to his best, it’s the album that I thought he couldn’t surpass, but then did 4 years later.

Aesop Rock-The Impossible Kid (2016)

My Rating:  100% (A++)

Pitchfork Rating: 82%

Rolling Stone Rating: N/A

Metacritic Rating: 85%

Average Rating: 89%

Tracklist (Standout songs underlined):

  1. Mystery Fish
  2. Rings
  3. Lotta Years
  4. Dorks
  5. Rabies
  6. Supercell
  7. Blood Sandwich
  8. Get Out Of The Car
  9. Shrunk
  10. Kirby
  11. TUFF
  12. Lazy Eye
  13. Defender
  14. Water Tower
  15. Molecules

Favourite Song on Album:

Listen to This Album When You’re:

Looking to have your mind blown.

Thoughts on Album Cover:

It’s super rad, I have a shirt of it and wear it every second of my life.

Want to Own on Vinyl?:

Hell ya. Saw it for sale awhile back and should’ve bought it.

Final Thoughts:

The Impossible Kid is Aesop Rock’s most accessible album to date, it’s as if he’s finally hovering over Earth to gather fans so he can take them to the far stretches of the universe. The Impossible Kid is the album that finally got me respecting Aesop Rock to the level that he most definitely deserves. Even though I know I’m gonna catch hate for saying it, Aesop Rock is currently the best Hip-hop artist still making music (choke on your rage Lamar fans). There’s just no denying his uncanny ability to make the English language sound like it’s being broadcast from the third moon of some planet we couldn’t pronounce. This is the album to get on the bandwagon, this is the best album of 2016, this is an album for fans and non-fans alike to collectively sigh and say “Damn, Aesop Rock”.

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